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Saturday 9 May 2015

Bondi Sands Self Tanning Foam Light/Medium Review


So since seeing all these gorgeous-sunkissed-golden-glowing-bronzed babes all over Instagram I was dying to try Bondi Sands tan, as this was appearing all over my feed. When I saw the slogan was 'The Australian Tan' and that the majority of people promoting the tan were, well.. in Australia, I was truly gutted. However, to my surprise, I picked up a bottle from the one and only Superdrug! (£14.99) After doing some trusty research, I decided the 'Light/Medium' would without a doubt be the most suitable colour for my British born pasty skin. I also saw a lot of good reviews on the 'Self Tanning Foam', so I opted for this (there are also mists, lotions, creams etc).  Reading the instructions on the back, I realised it probably best to pick up a tanning mitt, as the application says so.

Here is my skin, freshly exfoliated and free from any moisturisers (instructed in Step 1)

Step 2 instructs you to apply the product to a tanning mitt (remember to shake the bottle first), followed by using a long sweeping motion and using remaining residue for face, elbows and knees.

The first thing I noticed when using this tan was the fantastic you-could-eat-it scent. Instead of that classic fake tan biscuit like smell, this stuff smells like a thousand coconuts. Even after I had applied it, my bedroom smelt like coconut for days. 10/10 for the scent,

So here's what the foam looks like on the mitt. Being a usual gradual tan girl, I was quite scared when I applied this foam to my leg which was 10 shades darker than my skin. But don't fret, you wash it off. I started on my legs, using the residue for my feet, then I worked my way up my back, tummy, chest, arms and neck and finally a tiny bit on my face. I would say the foam is easily spreadable if you're quick with it, however if you notice a streaky patch a few minutes later, it can be quite difficult to blend, requiring more tan to even it out.

Step 3 says that skin may be washed after one hour, but for a longer lasting darker tan, leave on for up to 6 hours. The first time I tried this I left it on for one hour then rinsed it off in the shower (using body wash as normal). This gave me a really lovely light tan which lasted a good few days.

Washed off after 1 hour. Light tan.

The next time however, I tanned before bed and slept in it, washing it off the following morning. This gave me a much more deeper tan. I love the fact you can adapt the tan to your own preference, having a light glow to a deep tan with the same product.

These photos above were the next morning after application before washing off. As you can see, the product goes very dark. One thing that I also noticed was whilst the tan was settling, it wasn't totally dry. When I sat on the toilet seat I left marks from my tanned backside (it did come off the seat), and a bit on my bedding. This isn't too much of a problem because the whole point is to rinse it off, but I would recommend wearing loose clothing after applying the product. On the upside, the product isn't at all sticky, and you can pretty much carry on as normal.

After washing the tan off.

And finally, I have a tan! To be honest, I think all the faff is worth it for this beautiful outcome! It's very even, no funny smells, not too orange, and even looks natural. I can finally see what all the fuss is about. Another factor I love is that this lasts a good few days, possibly even a week without re-applying. I would highly recommend this product to anyone looking for a salon quality self tan, and I would say the price is worth it. I will definitely carry on purchasing the Bondi Sands tan.

Thanks for reading!



  1. loving your before and after! you look great!!

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